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Simone Stoffel
External Expert

As a passionate occupational and organisational psychologist, I’ve been working for over 10 years in the field of talent management, assessment and learning and development projects. The essence of my work is to strengthen people’s resources and potential. I’m enthusiastic and present, I love to learn, I remain curious and I’m constantly broadening my knowledge.

My skills:
I have extensive experience in human resources, talent management, appraisals and team development. Thanks to my own leadership experience in various organisational contexts, I have a deep understanding of organisational challenges and potential conflicts in complex as well as agile systems. Since 2019, I have also been advising clients as a certified coach, focusing on career development, leadership development and executive coaching.

My areas of intervention
Assessment: Potential analysis, potential development and diagnostics
Consulting and coaching: Career development, leadership, stress and resilience.

Areas of expertise: Potential assessment, Potential analysis, Leadership and executive coaching, Career counselling, ADHD counselling

Levels supported: All management levels

Languages: German, English, Spanish

Industry experience: IT Consulting, IT, Finance, Real Estate

Functional Experience: Human resources, Consultant, Team leadership, Project management

Multicultural Experience: Leading multicultural teams

Professional and Corporate Experience: HR roles in multinational consulting companies, Assessor & consultant in boutique consultancies, Leadership in an international IT consulting firm, Self-employment in business and leadership coaching

Education/Studies: Systemic coaching certification, Master’s degree in work and organizational psychology, Zurich