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Mireille Régis
Senior Consultant

Before joining Novelia, Mireille Régis was responsible for the development of an Assessment Centre for a well-known actor in the recruitment field in the French-speaking of Switzerland. While at this organization, she obtained the Swiss Assessment certification, a label certifying the quality and reliability of its assessments, recognised at national level. Mireille has also founded an innovative company in the field of psychological support where she now employs several psychologists. Thanks to these diverse experiences, Mireille has developed a dynamic and structured personality,  with a creative spirit when it comes to finding solutions and initiating new projects.

Mireille Régis holds a Master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. She has been working for several years in the field of human resources consulting, in order to improve her skills and contribute to the development of employees.
+41 79 136 41 41

Our expertise

  • Our selection assessments reliably and objectively evaluate the skills of final internal or external candidates for a key position, verifying their suitability for the role.

  • The development assessment enhances your employees' potential, ensuring that their skills evolve in sync with changing professional requirements.

  • Group Assessments help to evaluate a group of candidates as part of their individual development journey. Team Assessments are designed to gain insights on Team effectiveness, e.g., for a Board or for an Executive Committee.
