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Franziska Wyss
External Expert

Franziska Wyss has more than 22 years of experience in management consulting and evaluation of executives at senior management to executive level, in conducting selection and development assessments as well as talent development programmes in German and English. In this context, she has conducted countless feedback and coaching sessions with executives regarding their personal and professional development.

Most recently, she worked for more than 12 years in a management consulting firm, where she supported board members, executive management and HR directors in strategic personnel decisions. She supported – amongst others – mandates in the finance and insurance industry, industrial and technology companies, investment and private equity companies, public administration and the service sector for small, medium-sized and large companies with tailor-made consulting solutions.

Prior to this, she worked in the HR management of interns and graduates and in the assessment team of a financial services company, where she led a large number of group assessments, but also had the opportunity to conduct assessments abroad.

She holds a Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Zurich, specialising in Health Psychology.
+41 79 770 81 08

Nos expertises

  • Our selection assessments reliably and objectively evaluate the skills of final internal or external candidates for a key position, verifying their suitability for the role.

  • The development assessment enhances your employees' potential, ensuring that their skills evolve in sync with changing professional requirements.

  • Group Assessments help to evaluate a group of candidates as part of their individual development journey. Team Assessments are designed to gain insights on Team effectiveness, e.g., for a Board or for an Executive Committee.
