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Anouk Heyraud
Senior Consultant

Anouk Heyraud enjoys more than 25 years of experience in career and human resources management, with a specialization in the assessment and development of human competencies of individuals and organizations that spans back 20 years. Her experience in human resources management enables her to propose pragmatic, straightforward and applicable solutions, with of the sustainable performance of her client-organization as objective.

Anouk holds a degree in psychology and is a certified coach and adult educator. Before joining Novelia, she worked in human resources consulting in various organisations. An entrepreneur at heart, she also created her own firm which she managed for several years15. Subsequently  Anouk joined an outplacement organisation where she was in charge of developing its “Talent management” service.  Since joining Novelia, she has contributed to the development of innovative services.
+41 79 798 78 01

Our expertise

  • Our selection assessments reliably and objectively evaluate the skills of final internal or external candidates for a key position, verifying their suitability for the role.

  • The development assessment enhances your employees' potential, ensuring that their skills evolve in sync with changing professional requirements.

  • Group Assessments help to evaluate a group of candidates as part of their individual development journey. Team Assessments are designed to gain insights on Team effectiveness, e.g., for a Board or for an Executive Committee.
