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Frode Hvaring
Managing Director

Frode Hvaring is an international Talent, Leadership and Culture Expert. He likes to add value by providing agile solutions for Leaders, engaging with Talent and exchanging with People. In various settings, he has been developing and managing high performing teams through effective mentoring, coaching and capabilities development. As articulate innovator and facilitator, he enjoys building authentic relations across diverse cultures and business areas.

Frode held various regional and global COO and CHRO roles: in employer lobbying, Swiss banking, Power industry; Media organisations; Technology scale-ups, E-Mobility and higher Education. He has a Master in Economics from Fribourg University, Switzerland and post-grads from IMD, Lausanne and Thunderbird, Phoenix. His doctoral studies focus on Cultural Ignorance, and he teaches Global Leadership and People Management as a visiting lecturer in business schools.
+41 78 600 20 80

Nos expertises

  • Our selection assessments reliably and objectively evaluate the skills of final internal or external candidates for a key position, verifying their suitability for the role.

  • The development assessment enhances your employees' potential, ensuring that their skills evolve in sync with changing professional requirements.

  • Group Assessments help to evaluate a group of candidates as part of their individual development journey. Team Assessments are designed to gain insights on Team effectiveness, e.g., for a Board or for an Executive Committee.
