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Martin Albrecht
External Expert

Independent HR consultant since 2020, with focus on executive assessments, HR lecture and leadership & management trainings.

Previously working as HR director for Assura, a Swiss health insurance and many years for H&M, Hennes & Mauritz in different leading positions and in various countries, such as Germany, Switzerland, United States, Italy, Sweden.

Martin has more than 20 years experiences in managing teams and projects. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Germany and is certified Human Capital Strategist from the Human Capital Institute in London, as well as Trainer for Adults from the Swiss Federation for Adult Training.

Languages: German, French, English

Nos expertises

  • Our selection assessments reliably and objectively evaluate the skills of final internal or external candidates for a key position, verifying their suitability for the role.

  • The development assessment enhances your employees' potential, ensuring that their skills evolve in sync with changing professional requirements.

  • Group Assessments help to evaluate a group of candidates as part of their individual development journey. Team Assessments are designed to gain insights on Team effectiveness, e.g., for a Board or for an Executive Committee.
